I was told to put gantt chart in my report. MrProject is easy to use and it is wysiwyg stuff but it seem to be inconvenient to export gantt chart to Latex. Nowaday, I use this pacakge to make gantt chart. It has done by PSTricks. ( thx Joy )
Thanks for posting this.. Just wanted to note the following - that Gantt chart is based on PStricks, and I had a problem exporting a PDF of the example using Texmaker/Miktex on Windows XP. That is because PStricks is not compatible with PDF:
This link is empty
thx for informing me.:-)
where has it been moved? -_-!
Gantt chart under latex moved here:
Thanks for posting this.. Just wanted to note the following - that Gantt chart is based on PStricks, and I had a problem exporting a PDF of the example using Texmaker/Miktex on Windows XP. That is because PStricks is not compatible with PDF:
Solution for me was to add the
to the example file, and additionally, follow the error recommendation and make the following line for quick-build:
latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|bibtex %.aux|latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|dvips -o %-pics.ps %.dvi|ps2pdf %-pics.ps|pdflatex %.tex
Otherwise you'll always get
Package pst-pdf Warning: pspicture No. 1 undefined.
Hope this helps...
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