Thursday, June 17, 2004

Python and GTK+ as Cross Platform Environment

I used to have problem on using Python and GTK+ with Thai language.

But today it seems to be okay.

I installed these following software:

  1. GTK+ Runtime Environment

  2. Gaim - I don't know how to install Wimp so I use Gaim installer :-P

  3. PyGTK

  4. MinGW PyGTK can't find some DLLs. I don't know to set PATH on Windows so I use MinGW and Bash.

I 'm going to install gtksourceview from source package. It is probably hard task. I will follow the script of Dropline GTK+ Win32 and PyGTK Win32 ( In Do it yourself section ) . I probably need GCC from MinGW.


pinyotae said...

Setting PATH in Windows? Did you mean setting environment variable? If so, try this method:

1. Right click on "My Computer" and select Properties
2. Select Advanced tab, and you will see the button "Environment Variables" at the bottom of the window. Click it. Note that this will work on Windows 2000/XP only.
3. If you want the path to be enabled in your session only (not other users), create the PATH variable in user varible, otherwise, append new path to the existing Path in system variable.

Hope this help,
Pinyo Taeprasartsit

veer said...

thx, it works well :-)

zxc5555555555 said...

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zxc5555555555 said...

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