Wednesday, November 22, 2006

ICT Minister of Thailand and OLPC ( 100 USD Laptop )

ICT Minister of Thailand - Dr. Sittichai Pookaiyaudom, said that he will support OLPC (or 100 USD Laptop) but he is not one who will make a decision whether Thailand will buy OLPCs.


Monday, November 13, 2006

wmcore building

TestWM Screen

Now I can build wmcore on my desktop pc. :-D

$ ./configure --prefix=/home/vee --with-gsback=/home/vee/gnustep/core/back/
$ make

I just moved StepWiRE from the GNUmakefile and supplied correct path of gsback for configure. :-)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

datrie for a large dictionary

datrie is a trie implementation in C using double array by thep. Its purpose is mainly for assisting word segmentation in libthai, which 16 bit array's indexes are enough. However, I want to use datrie in my experiment where the dictionary is quite large. Therefore I try to expand the array indexes to be 32 bits. To make a patch is pretty convenient since thep has already had plan to extend it. The patch is here. Currently, I think one must be able to choose 16 or 32 bits as a parameter of configure (autoconf). Anyways, in order to do easy 16/32 bits switching, I still have some issues waited for discussion here (in Thai). By the way, datrie32 (without 16/32 switching) must be already sufficient for using in my experiment.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I want to run nested X11 so devilw suggested Xnest. I started with:

Xnest :2
xterm -display :2

It failed since connection from xterm was denied. Then I ask devilw again so he suggested Xnest -ac.

Xnest -ac :2
xterm -display :2

Then it failed since xterm cannot open font. So I asked peorth because devilw was traveling home. He suggest to try xfontsel. After I selected xfontsel, it crashed. Anyways, I've got an idea to try xset so I tried this.

Xnest -ac :2
xset -display :2 +fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/
xset -display :2 +fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/
xset -display :2 +fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/
xterm -display :2

And then it still failed :-P. However, I can see some text displayed by twm and xfontsel, which I can see before using xset. :-) I saw something like xnlsfont but I haven't tried yet.

thx devilwearsgucci and peorth

Monday, November 06, 2006

ตำราไพธอนภาษาไทย / A Python text book in Thai

python book

See also

The first Python text book in Thai language has been released.

Thank Ajarn Chakrit Saengkaew for the book and the permission to use the photo. Thank TPA for publishing this book also.